Salmon Loaf


1 slab of fresh salmon (1 lb)

1/4 c butter or margarine

1/4 t garlic

1 small to medium onion 

3 ribs celery 

1 small to medium green bell pepper

4  eggs

1/4 c milk

1 1/2 t dill weed

1/4 t thyme

1/2 t black pepper

1/2 t garlic

5 cups soft bread cubes

1 1/2 - 2 c shredded cheddar cheese




Put salmon into a medium sized saucepan with enough water to come up about a quarter-inch onto the sides.  Cover and cook over med-high heat  until it flakes easily, adding a little water if necessary while it cooks.


While the salmon is cooking on the stove-top, finely chop the onions, celery bell peppers and prepare the bread cubes.


Remove the salmon from heat when it is done and place it and what little water that remains into a large mixing bowl.  

Flake the salmon with a fork and set aside to cool.


Preheat the oven to 350°.

Melt butter or margarine in heavy skillet over medium-high heat.

Add the 1/4 t garlic, the onion and celery; cook and stir about 5 minutes or until almost tender; stir in  bell pepper and continue cooking until onions and celery are tender, stirring occasionally.


While the vegetables are cooking, crack the eggs into a small bowl; add milk, dill weed, thyme, black pepper and 1/2 t garlic; mix well; add to salmon and stir to mix well. Stir in the cooked onions, celery and bell peppers; mix well.

Add the bread cubes 1/3 at a time and stir after each addition to moisten.


Place in greased 9"x13"x2" baking dish and form into a loaf that stands about 2" high and about 4" wide, keeping the ends of the loaf away from the ends of the pan (about 1/2").  Tuck the bottom edges in just a little further than the sides (1/8"-1/4"). 

Bake for 15-20 minutes, then add a little water to the pan (a quarter cup or less); enough to cool it a little and leave a few small puddles, not enough to make the loaf swim or soak.

Cook for 10 more minutes then remove from oven and carefully sprinkle just the top with the shredded cheese.

Bake another 5 to 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and just starting to brown.

Remove from oven and let sit 5 minutes before slicing.

Slice into 1/2" wide portions.  Great with slices of boiled potatoes!